Reading List

A Chinese Life Otie, Li 2012 First person account of China from 1950 to present

Red Scarf Girl, a Memoir of the Cultural Revolution Jiang, Ji-Li 1997 Cultural revolution from the eyes of a child

Life and Death in Shanghai Cheng, Nien Cultural revolution first person account

The Man who Loved China Winchester, Simon 2008 An Englishman in China during WWII discovers a myriad of Chinese inventions

Red China Blues Wong, Jan 1996 First person account of first foreign exchange student

The Good Women of China Xue, Xinran Lives of Chinese women today

Socialism Is Great! A Worker's Memoir of the New China Lijia Zhang

The Bitter Sea, Coming of Age in a China Before Mao Li, Charles N 2008 Growing up in China, then to Hong Kong, Father politically involved on the (what turned out to be) wrong side

Mao's Last Dancer Li, Cunxin 2009 Story of a peasant boy chosen to go to the capital to learn to dance to promote Communism through culture. Growing up during the Cultural Revolution and through the fall of the Gang of Four and death of Chairman Mao

Factory Girls. From Village to City in a Changing China Chang, Leslie T 2009

River Town. Two Years on the Yangtze Hessler, Peter 2001

Empress Orchid Min, Anchee 2004 First person sympathetic account of Empress dowager Cixi

The Good Man of Nanking: The Diaries of John Rabe Rabe, John 2000 a crucial document for understanding one of World War II's most horrific incidents of genocide

The Little Red Guard: A Family Memoir Huang, Wenguang 2012

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