Phonetics 声旁.
Some 85% of the characters in common use today came about by combing a radical - or meaning element - wth an existing sound element that sounded the same or similar to the word the new character was for, though it is important to note that sound elements are unreliable - they do not always sound the same - and carry no tone information.
The following table contains 18 characters with the same phonetic element. notice that the pronunciation is no longer exactly the same - some are qing and some are jing - and that the tones vary. The other part of the character is the radical (indicated in parentheses underneath). Note that these are all traditional characters.
凊 qing4 cold, cool 情 qing2 sentiment 清 qing1 clear up, settle
(ice) (heart) (water)
請 qing3 request 晴 qing2 fine, clear 鯖 qing1 mackerel
(language) (sun) (fish)
蜻 qing1 dragonfly 圊 qing1 toilet 鼱 jing1 shrew
(insect) (encirclement) (rat)
精 jing1 refined 靜 jing4 still, quiet 睛 jing1 eyeball
(rice) (green) (eye)
菁 jing1 lush, luxuriant 靖 jing4 pacify 婧 jing4 modest,supple
(grass) (stand) (woman)
箐 jing1 flower of leek 靚 jing4 make up 鶄 jing1 water bird
(bamboo) (green) (bird)