
A bit more fun than many of the topics herein, the Chinese invented an important number of things the world now takes for granted, and it is worth knowing about them.

Silk, earliest spinning of

2850 BCE

Alcohol made from grain by a special fermentation process

15th century BCE

Decimal place value

13th century BCE

Nova, recorded observation of

13th century BCE


13th century BCE

Mirror with "light penetration surface"

11th century BCE

Free reed

1000 BCE

Chimes, stone

9th century BCE


9th century BCE


9th century BCE


7th century BCE


681 BCE

Bellows, double-acting piston-tuned bronze

6th century BCE


600 BCE

Crop rotation

6th century BCE


580 BCE

Belt drive

5th century BCE

Cast iron

5th century BCE

Collapsible umbrella and other items

5th century BCE


5th century BCE

Metals, to oxides, burning of

5th century BCE

Mining, square sets for

5th century BCE

Mining, differential pressure ventilation

5th century BCE

Bridges, releasable

4th century BCE

Cast iron—malleable

4th century BCE


4th century BCE

Equilibrium, theory of

4th century BCE


4th century BCE

Ladders, extendable

4th century BCE


4th century BCE

Prospecting, geological

4th century BCE


4th century BCE

Arcuballista, multiple-bolt

320 BCE

Advisory vessels

3rd century BCE

Antimalarial drugs

3rd century BCE

Asbestos woven into cloth

3rd century BCE

Blast furnace

3rd century BCE

Bowl, bronze water-spouting

3rd century BCE

Crossbow, bronze triggers

300 BCE


3rd century BCE

Great Wall of China

3rd century BCE

Distillation, of mercury

3rd century BCE


3rd century BCE

Paper (invention of)

300 BCE

Maps, topographical

3rd century BCE


3rd century BCE

Harness, breast strap

250 BCE

Guan xien system

240 BCE

Ball bearings

2nd century BCE

Balloon principle

2nd century BCE

Blood, distinction between arterial and venous

2nd century BCE

Blood, theory of circulation

2nd century BCE

Gold, purple sheen

200 BCE

Deep drilling and use of natural gas as fuel

2nd century BCE

Disease, diurnal rhythms in

2nd century BCE


2nd century BCE

Mills, edge-runner

200 BCE

Mold board

2nd century BCE

Paper, Wrapping

2nd century BCE

Cardan suspension

140 BCE


120 BCE


110 BCE

Bronze rainbow teng (camphor still)

1st century BCE

Cereals, preservation of stored

1st century BCE

Crank handle

1st century BCE

Furnace, reverberatory

1st century BCE

Diabetes, association with sweet and fatty foods

1st century BCE


1st century BCE

Diked/poldered fields

1st century BCE

Rotary fan

1st century BCE

Seed, pretreatment of

1st century BCE

Ships, construction principle of

lst century BCE

Drum carriage

10 BCE


CE 9

Ever-normal granary system

CE 9

Interconversion of longitudinal and rotary motion

CE 31

Gear wheels, chevron-toothed

CE 50


CE 80

Lodestone, south-pointing ladle

CE 83

Algorithm for extraction of square and cube roots

1st century CE

Anchor, nonfouling, stockless

1st century CE

Axial rudder

1st century CE

Bean curd

CE 100

Coal, as a fuel

1st century CE

Coal, dust, briquettes from

1st century CE

Draw loom

1st century CE

Mountings, vertical and horizontal

lst century CE

Negative numbers, operations using

1st century CE

Noodles (filamentous) including bread

CE 100

Sails, mat and hatten

1st century CE

Astronomical clock drive

CE 120

Grid technique, quantitative, used in cartography

CE 130


CE 132

Seed drill, multiple-tube

CE 155

Air-conditioning fan

CE 180


CE 190

Magic squares

CE 190

Dragon kiln

2nd century CE


2nd century CE

Pearl fishing conservancy

2nd century CE

Pacrong {cupronickel>

CE 230

Rotary ballista

CE 240


CE 290


3rd century CE

Folding chairs

3rd century CE

Dial and pointer

3rd century CE

Diseases, deficiency

3rd century CE

Metals, densities of

3rd century CE

Masts, multiple

3rd century CE

Reel on fishing rod

3rd century CE

Helicopter top

CE 320

Mill, Wagon

CE 340

Mills, edge-runner, Water-power applied

4th century CE

indeterminate analysis

4th century CE

Boats and ships, paddle-wheel

CE 418

Melodic composition

CE 475

Harness, collar

CE 477

Arcuballista, multiple-spring

5th century CE

Magic mirrors

5th century CE

Ships, paddle-wheel

5th century CE

Gluten from wheat

CE 530

Bookcase, vertical axis

CE 544

Matches (nonstriking)

CE 577


CE 584

Paper, toilet

CE 589

Bridges, iron-chain suspension

6th century CE

Bridges, Li Chhun's segmental arch

CE 610

Comet tails, observation of direction of

CE 635

Recording of sun halves,parhelic specters, and Lowitz arcs

CE 635

Metal amalgams used to fill cavities

CE 659


CE 712

Clockwork escapement of Yi Xing and Liang Lingzan

CE 725

Leeboards and centerboards

CE 751

Parachute principle

8th century CE


CE 806

Book, scientific, printed

CE 847

Book, printed, first to be dated

CE 868


CE 880

Gunpowder, formula for

9th century CE

Oil lamps, economic

9th century CE

Paper, money

9th century CE

Flamethrower (double-acting force pump for liquids)

CE 919


CE 950

Magnetism, used in medicine

CE 970

Chain drive

CE 976

Silk warp doubling and throwing frame

10th century CE

Compass, floating fish

CE 1027

Magnetic declination noted

CE 1040

Magnetic thermoremanence and induction

CE 1044

Salvage, underwater

CE 1064

Erosion and sedimentary deposition, knowledge of

CE 1070

Camera obscura, explanation of

CE 1086

Maps, relief

CE 1086

Pearls in oysters, artificial induction of

CE 1086

Clocks, Su Sung's

CE 1088

Compass, magnetic needle

CE 1088

Silk reeling machine

CE 1090


11th century CE

"Seedling horse"

11th century CE

Pascal triangle of binomial coefficients

CE 1100

Compass, magnetic, used for navigation

CE 1111

Pasteurization of Wine

CE 1117


CE 1120


CE 1128

Bomb, thrown from a trebuchet

CE 1161

Dating of trees by number of rings

12th century CE

Gunpowder, firecracker and fireworks

12th century CE

Knife, rotary disk, for cutting jade

12th century CE

Bomb, cast-iron

CE 1221

Gauges, rain and snow

CE 1247

Numerical equations of higher order, solution of

13th century CE

Rocket arrow

13th century CE

Multiple-spindle silk-twisting frame

CE 1313

Beriberi, recognition of

CE 1330

Rocket arrows, winged

CE 1360

Rockets, two-stage

CE 1360

Rocket arrow launchers

CE 1367

Clocks, sand

CE 1370

Gunpowder, government's department and monopoly on

14th century CE

Esculentist movement (edible plants for time of famine)

CE 1406

Magnetic variation observed

CE 1436

Equal temperament, mathematical formulation of

CE 1584

Hot streak test

CE 1596

Paper, wall

16th century CE

Sailing carriage

16th century CE

Ginning machine, hand-cranked, and treadle

17th century CE

Malt sugar, production of

1st millennium BCE

High temperatures,firing of clay at

2nd millennium BCE

Bell, pottery

3rd millennium BCE

Cooking pots, heat economy in

3rd millennium BCE

Gunpowder, used in mining


Bookworm repellent

Bread, steamed

Bronze, high tin, for mirror production

Flame test

Differential pressure

Dishing of carriage wheel

Qin and se zither

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