
It is near impossible to summarize the 5000 years of Chinese history. Below is a link to a very informative image that shows the territorial reach of each of the dynasties.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Territories_of_Dynasties_in_China.gif

Instead of attempting to recap or summarize Chinese history, we include here the major dynasties and important elements of each.


  • 221 BCE - 206 BCE

  • ruled by Qinshihuangdi, the first emperor to unify China;

  • Standardized weights and measures

  • Standardized money

  • Standardized the written language

  • Built roads and canals

  • Built much of the Great Wall


  • 202 BCE - 220 CE

  • Adoption of Confucianism

  • Trade along the Silk Route

  • Government appointments by through examinations (merit)

  • Lent its name to the Chinese people

  • Buddhism comes to China


  • 618 - 907

  • Considered the peak of Chinese civilization

  • Tea

  • Open to the outside world

  • Poetry flourished


  • 960 - 1279

  • Widespread cultivation of tea and cotton;

  • gunpowder first used militarily;

  • golden age of Chinese painting.



  • 1368 - 1644

  • Required tribute from neighboring countries

  • Naval exploration as far as Africa (though short-lived)

  • Porcelain, architecture, the novel and drama flourish (helped by the expansion of wood-block printing).


  • 1644 - 1912

  • Manchus ruled (non Han)

  • Increased foreign trade

  • Foreign powers divided up China

  • Opium War, Hong Kong ceded to the British

Republic of China

  • 1912 - 1949

  • Led by Sun Yat Sen (still widely revered) and Chiang Kaishek

  • Invaded by Japan in the North

  • Civil war against the communists

People's Republic of China 1949 -

  • Established by the 1949 revolution, when the communists finally prevailed over the nationalists, who fled to Taiwan.

More to Explore

Timeline of Chinese Dynasties: https://afe.easia.columbia.edu/timelines/china_timeline.htm

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